Letters home

How we get in touch with you

We send regular letters home.  Where a letter requires no response from you, it will normally be emailed to you by the school, as a PDF attachment.  If we need you to do something like return a form (e.g. to book disco tickets), we will sometimes send a paper copy home with your child, although we are increasingly moving towards online form submission instead.  

All letters sent home via school (emailed and paper copies) are posted on the school website.  This is a great place to check if you've missed any emails or if a paper letter has come home soggy and you want to print another copy!  Copies of letters can also be requested from the school office or you can contact us for any that have been sent by us.

We don't have a regular newsletter but the school mentions us regularly in their weekly newsletters.  

We make sure to keep our social media updated, too.